Every year more that 2.12 billion tons of waste are dumped all around the world. Naturally, some of them, such as plastic containers, cellophanes, batteries, are extremely dangerous for environment. They are hazard not only today, but also 100 or 300 years from now. Nevertheless in Azerbaijan also, certain steps have already been taken in this direction.

“From Waste to Art” Museum was opened in 2015 in Gala settlement with the initiative and support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation and Tamiz Shahar OJSC.

Currently, the museum has about 180 different art works. They are made from plastic water bottles, cellophane, strollers, toys, various car parts, cigarette butts, tennis balls, waste materials that mostly consider unnecessary. In museum, you can see the "Simurg" bird image made from scrap metal, horses made from wooden waste, fish made from plastic spoons, forks and knives. Waste, which is the main raw material for the creation of these samples, was collected from various areas.

The museum attracts attention not only with local artists, but also with the art works of foreign artists all around the world.