Waste-to-energy plant
The construction of Waste-to-energy plant was decided within the framework of “The Comprehensive Action Plan about the improvement of ecological situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2006-2010 years” approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 28.08.2006. The French company CNİM, the winner of the tender for the construction of the plant, started its work on the basis of design and "turn-key" principle. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev laid the foundation of Waste-to-energy plant on November 3, 2009 and participated in the Plant’s inauguration ceremony on December 19, 2012. The plant, built on an area of 20 hectares in the Balakhani settlement and with an annual capacity of 500 thousand tons of household waste, including 10 thousand tons of medical waste, is currently managed by the French company PAPREC Energy Azerbaijan. As a result of the waste incineration process, the plant is capable of producing up to 200 million kWh of electricity per year, and the energy obtained during the year can fully supply 100,000 homes with electricity. It is considered to be the biggest Waste-to-energy plant in Eastern Europe and CIS countries. The plant was constructed using 4G technologies and completely complies with local and European standards of environmental protection. Fly ash generated during the incineration process is caught by the special filters and does not pollute the environment. Concerning the bottom ash which is heavier and less harmful could be utilized as a construction material for road construction. And finally, industrial water used for cooling during waste incineration is discharged to sewerage only after treatment. Monitoring of emission level at the plant is conducted and controlled daily.