The Integrated solid waste management project
The purpose of the “Integrated solid waste management” Project which is being carried out within the framework of “Absheron Ecological Rehabilitation Program” funded by The World Bank and the Republic of Azerbaijan is to support reforms conducted for systematic and continuous organization of solid municipal waste collection and utilization.
The loan agreement between World Bank and Azerbaijan Republic was signed on May 20, 2009. The document has been signed by Shahin Mustafayev, the Minister of Economic Development of Azerbaijan Republic and Gregori Yedrjeychak, the manager of World Bank in Azerbaijan.
The activities outlined under the project are being conducted in 5 components. Thus, according to the project component on institutional reform, rising the potential and project management, the development of strategic planning, establishment of “Tamiz Shahar” JSC and its performance and development is being supported.
The control of environmental impact on MSW management, increasing the efficiency of existing landfill, the purchase of up-to-date equipments and technologies (weigh bridges, bulldozers) and the construction works (fencing, waste dumping, laying internal roads and etc.) are being financed within the framework of the project component on the rehabilitation and management of Balakhany landfill. Parallel to the rehabilitation and improvement activities of Balakhani landfill, preparatory activities for its total closure in future are also being conducted today. In addition to the above mentioned activities the preparatory works for building new modern landfills are also being conducted today.
Under the project component on closing and management of other landfills, the closing and cleaning of other unofficial landfills in Baku city, the improvement of other landfill’s management (or closure) will be financed.
Within the frame of the project component on equipment provision for waste collection, the measures will be taken for expansion of service quality in Baku districts and in other areas where solid municipal wastes are not collected effectively, in order to increase the efficiency of the service and scale of solid municipal waste collection in most demanded areas there will be financed purchasing of lorries and waste trucks.
The Final- under the component of technical preparation of post project investments there will be carried out the feasibility study and environmental impact evaluation necessary for designing of new landfills, and establishment of transfer stations for increasing the efficiency of waste collection system.
As a result the mentioned measures will provide an opportunity to solve the problem of solid municipal waste, to improve the ecological condition in Baku and Absheron, to eliminate the factors causing danger for the environment, for potable water and peoples’ health due to harmful wastes.
The total amount of the project budget planned for 5 years is 41.5 million US dollars. The amount of the loan provided by The World Bank on this project is 29,5 million US dollars, and it is planned to be provided through the International Reconstruction and Development Agency. The rest of amount is the contribution of Azerbaijan Government and the VAT obligation.