“Təmiz Şəhər” ASC-nin internet saytının təqdimat mərasimi keçirilmişdir.

3 fevral 2010 il tarixində “Park İnn” mehmanxanasında “Təmiz Şəhər” ASC-nin rəsmi internet saytının təqdimat mərasimi ...

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Improvement of Solid Municipal Waste Management in “Icheri Sheher” will be Implemented jointly with “Tamiz Shahar” JSC

Since February of the current year it is planned to begin the implementation of measures for ...

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Do we need a clean city?

The problem of wastes and the production, simply collection and utilization of the wastes is one of the oldest problems ...

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A meeting was arranged at the administrative building of “Tamiz Shahar” JSC on December 17, 2009

On December 17, 2009 a meeting was arranged with the participation of non-governmental organizations at the administrative building of “Tamiz Shahar” JSC ...

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A meeting was arranged at the administrative building of “Tamiz Shahar” JSC on December 17, 2009

On December 17, 2009 a meeting was arranged with the participation of non-governmental organizations at the ...

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“Təmiz Şəhər” ASC-nin nümayəndələri Kopenhagendə keçirilən “Tullantılar və İqlim” Konfransında iştirak etmişlər

Dekabrın 7-18-də Danimarkanın Kopenhagen şəhərində dünyanın 192 ölkəsindən olan nümayəndə heyətlərinin iştirakı ilə ...

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The President of Azerbaijan Attended the Foundation-laying Ceremony of Solid Waste Incineration Plant

On December 17, 2009 a meeting was arranged with the participation of non-governmental organizations at the administrative ...

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The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan Republic celebrates the last week of September as “Caspian Week”

According to the UN decision the last week of September has been celebrating as International Maritime ...

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The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan Republic celebrates the last week of September as “Caspian Week”

According to the UN decision the last week of September has been celebrating as International Maritime ...

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The World Bank and the Ministry of Economical Development held a launch workshop

World Bank and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan held ...

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